Sunday, June 20, 2010

She who has been: so anxious

... since last week.

Two Thursdays ago, Daisy one of my co-workers and also a double shifter since I cant remember when was been "eliminated". Her PM shift was cancelled and according to the 2 managers, she has lots of PM complaints.

The girl tried maybe to stay calm despite the shocking news and she planned to quit her AM shift as well, the girl is young so she acts depending on her emotion, like how acted many moons ago.

Then just last week, Wednesday if my memory is functioning accurately Audrey; also one of the double-shifters was also eliminated but she tried not to show her emotions openly. She tried to brush it off and expressed her disappointment through eating a lot.Then on Friday, Mhinnie and Sally [double-shifters], as well as Kris [AM-resignee], Marie [PM-maternity leave], and Randy [PM-resignee] were all eliminated. All on the same date. The resignees have atleast 3 weeks to 4 weeks waiting since they just passed their letters few days ago. But like what Randy have said, "I aint see it coming". Though, Glady [PM-resignee] was able to hold on to finish her remaining 3 weeks contract after threatening the managers to call DOLE if they will force her to resign early.

I think, she has rights to do it because there were no grounds to force her on the first place. I migt say that the girl was wise to think properly after all these stunts. And that made me think some more. I talked to Mhinnie since we are the only regular double-shifters. She says that the company will give her, her 13th month pay and her last payment [for PM shift]. But we have thought of her seperation pay. I talked [chat] to a friend about the situations and explained things, since her mom worked for BIR Im guessing that she knew something about labor codes and whatnot.

According to her, since we signed 2 different contracts Mhinnie is entitled to get a "seperation pay" which if I understand it correctly, is equals to her 1month salary. Since, she is a regular employee in her PM-shifts and signed a different contract for it, she IS entitled for a seperation pay aside from her 13th month and last days of work.


This site is open for any clarifications, comments etc about the said topic.
