Mhinnie's father passed away last Sunday, July 4th. We were all shocked because her father flew to the province few days ago, with no implications or whatnot. Few days ago, after sending her father off she mentioned that he [father] was so surprised because PAL ushered him to VIP cabin instead to coach on where he was supposed to seat. He was very amazed because they even gave him sandwiches and pasta while on board. We didn't know, especially Mhinnie and her family that, it would be her father's last flight. For this, we thank PAL. To make his last flight memorable though it's unintentional.
She went to the office just to get her salary last Monday. Take calls yesterday and she's gone again now. Yesterday, she told us that her father had a heart attack and didn't reach the hospital. Her mom flew to the province with her best friend, Rica last Monday and she'll be in the province tomorrow.
She said that she was amazed when she came back home, Monday afternoon. Her neighbors went to their house to offer prayers and after a few hours, her church mates dropped by. She wasn't able to feed them or offer them anything since she wasn't prepared and still in shocked. But after hearing her stories, I was so surprised. I thought that cultural attitude has long gone.
Please, offer a prayer for her old man.
Thank you.
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