Wednesday, April 18, 2012

she who has been: in pain

.. since yesterday afternoon

by docakila

I missed my second job because I really felt exhausted. I really don't know where it started but my guess is it started when I hit my second week at work. My second job starts at 5PM and ends at 11PM. My day job starts at 4:30 in the morning and ends at 1:30PM then I'll go home. It takes an hour before I get home. I change clothes and try to sleep for an hour. Then at 3:30PM I'll take my second bath and in 20 minutes I'm on way to my second work. It usually takes 40minutes to get to work. I usually take the MRT then walk for 20minutes or so depending on how fast I walk ^^, I usually get there at 4:30PM. But last Monday my schedule was really crazy. I have to call and talk 19 people in 6 hours., I have to talk to 10 of them for 20 minutes and the rest for 10 minutes. It was really exhausting. I took a cab after work and go straight to bed.

I was happy with my day job but with my finances going down, I really have to do something. I started looking for another but cant find anything that pays well. I might do continue doing it for the next 6 months until I'm stable enough to be on my own again.

My body hurts. A lot. but no, I wont go down. I know I can do it. 

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